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Bracken Control Group News

The latest news stories from Bracken Control Group.


News Stories

  • 18 Jul 24
    Press Release
  • 5 Jul 24
    July BCG Newsletter
  • 3 Jul 24
    Landward (BBC iPlayer) Bracken feature
  • 7 June 24
    Bracken Encroachment - An Update
  • 7 June 24
    June BCG Newsletter
  • 22 May 24
    Frond or foe – how do we tackle the bracken blight?
  • 15 May 24
    Future Landscapes Forum - Bracken Control Position Statement (Updated)
  • 17 Apr 24
    The Timing of Mechanical and Physical Control Methods for Bracken - No. 27 Bracken Briefing
  • 17 Apr 24
    England - RPA guidance - chemical bracken control.
  • 16 Apr 24
    Bracken Preliminary Guidance
Showing 1-10 of 149